About Betsy

Betsy Mikel is a writer who lives and works in Chicago. Originally trained as a magazine journalist, she worked as a copywriter and ran her own content strategy consultancy before landing in tech as a user experience writer. Her writing has appeared in the Chicago Sun-Times, The Sun Magazine, and on Medium. She is an alum of the Kenyon Review Workshop and StoryStudio’s Memoir in a Year program. 

During her four years as a columnist for Inc.com, Betsy was named a Top 30 contributor. Her Creative Confidence column covered innovative hiring practices, workplaces, and design. She was previously a regular contributor to Chicagoist.com where she covered Chicago’s literary scene, wrote book reviews, and interviewed authors.

When not hunched over her keyboard, Betsy is training for her next marathon and trying to remember to stretch. She enjoys sunny Midwestern summers, checking out too many library books, and sleep.

Betsy is currently seeking representation for her debut memoir about resilience, restoration, and the American Dream. It’s set in her childhood home, a dilapidated 1871 Second Empire mansion designed by the architect who invented the skyscraper. Get in touch if you’d like to read her completed manuscript and book proposal.

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